BetaBuster is a GUI that can be used to obtain specific Beta prior distributions for Se, Sp and Prevalence.
BetaBuster was designed by Dr. Chun-Lung Su for the purpose of obtaining specific Beta prior distributions based on scientific input for quantities like the sensitivity or speciticity of a diagnostic test. For example, if a scientist is asked for their best guess for the Se of a particular test and the answer is 0.9, and moreover, if they are also willing to assert that they are 95% sure that the Se is greater than 0.75, Betabuster will take this information and, obtain the unique Beta distribution that has mode (value with the greatest density/plausibility) equal to 0.9 and which has 95% of the area to the right. In fact, using BetaBuster, we obtain a Beta(22.99,3.44) distribution, which is also plotted in the process. This is accomplished by putting in the above input information and then clicking on "set priors".
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